GENEROUS, LOVE AND AFFECTION towards the ripening the society is the distinctive character of the human being by which the development of society is achievable. The human being should possess attributes such as honest enough in relationships; respect their parents, politeness, kind to everyone, think of others and kind to serve the society. Our HOLY BOOKS like Geetha, Quran, Bible, Guru Granth Sahib etc., all religions gives only single message i.e., Service to human leads to service to God and defines the term “DISCIPLESHIP” efforts to live a life of service with its inevitable expansion of consciousness.
Reasons to expel Old Age Persons from home:
Parents are abandoned by children because of the newly imparted aspirations for better living standards and personal achievements, the young people find it difficult to shoulder the natural responsibility of caring their elderly parents. Sometimes they themselves are finding difficult to make both ends meet. Migration for better jobs, irregular incomes, job insecurity, odd working times and such other factors are also their grave concerns. As health care and educational facilities are developed leaps and bounds and communication systems are institutionalized to make revolutionary impact, living standards of the people are increasing.
The old age people feel a pathetic situation of helplessness. Old age is no longer a golden age to them. A vast majority of them suffers from emotional stress. They are neglected by all. In earlier days elders were the part of the large family. They were a respected lot. They were in the centre stage of family affairs. Now they are in peripheries.
Now the elderly people, once have worked hard for earning to save more for their future living, find hard to lead a peaceful life due to increasing cost of living. Most of their retirement plans do not work to their expectations. As the people are getting retired, they have little worries. They only want to lead a cam and peaceful life. But realities are far from truth. There are always a few concerns for them. As the joint families are regenerating into nuclear families, more and more elderly people tare ending to live alone. Three out of every ten elderly people are living alone.
Some destitute families in society are simply living their elders in the Government Hospitals, in premises of Hospitals, on roads where the family members cannot afford their medical expenses. They utilize their time only to work because no work no food.
To offer quality Care and Professional Support to such vulnerable old people. To Ensure a sound and friendly environment for the poor helpless, destitute and Old aged persons towards achieving a promising peaceful conditions for them fostering their physical, mental, social and spiritual development and well being as well.
Satya Harishchandra Foundation comes up with idea and established a Destitute Welfare Centre to provide a new family to neglected or orphan people.
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