Our Religion - Humanity, Our Philosophy - Equality, Our Aim - To uphold the Truth

If any person is missing please lodge the missing complaint with concerned police station, failing which you miss the statutory evidence to claim the further benefits if any

Established in


Satya Harishchandra Foundation

So Look For Them At Unknow Patients & Unidentified Dead Bodies

10457 Missing

Missing Persons

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Unknown Patients
3909+ Patients

Unknown Patients

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Undentified Dead Bodies
20282 Bodies Till Date

Undentified Dead Bodies

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Undentified Inmates
257 Inmates Till Date

Unknown Inmates

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Finding Your Missing Person

So Look For Them At Unkown Patients & Unidentified Dead Bodies


Founder & Gen. Secretry

Dr.Kanugula Rajeshwar Rao

We lost the opportunity to fight in the war for our nation. We lost the opportunity to sacrifice ourselves to the nation. We lost the opportunity to be in a prison for years. But we got an opportunity to serve the Nation & save the Nation. So let us live for nation and make others to live for the nation.

Human being’s are more precious among all the other creations made by supreme power of the God, but we are not being able to keep the preciousness of it. Simultaneously creations made by the supreme also vanishes from this earth. Every human beings ultimate goal is to attain peace and prosperity in his life time but it should not be at the cost of others happiness. Let us care for our fellow beings and give rebirth to the word “HUMANITY” which is totally vanished from the hearts of fellow beings. So, let us join our hands together for promotion of this Nation.

Of course it takes the time to change a fellow being but every one thinks the same than no change could take place, it should start from now, today is the right time to change ourselves. Always change starts form a single step, then why can’t we think that first step should be ours.

Our Success


Our Tracking Success Rate of missing person since 1994.

Our Present Project

A News Channel to trace missing persons - On an average, for every 8 - 10 minutes -one person is missing in India. According to the women and child development ministry website for tracking missing children, every year at about 60,000 children are missing...

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We do all rituals on final rights

Award-Winning Foundation


We've got plenty of awards for our amazing social service to the man kind.


Cremated Till Date by Satya Harishchandra Foundation.

Unknown Persons Rescued By Satya Harishchandra Foundation.


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Destitute Welfare Center

GENEROUS, LOVE AND AFFECTION towards the ripening the society is the distinctive character of the human being by which the development of society is achievable. The human being should possess attributes such as honest enough in relationships; respect their parents, politeness, kind to everyone, think of others and kind to serve the society. Our HOLY BOOKS like Geetha, Quran, Bible, Guru Granth Sahib etc., all religions gives only single message i.e., Service to human leads to service to God and defines the term “DISCIPLESHIP” efforts to live a life of service with its inevitable expansion of consciousness.

The old age people feel a pathetic situation of helplessness. Old age is no longer a golden age to them. A vast majority of them suffers from emotional stress. They are neglected by all. In earlier days elders were the part of the large family. They were a respected lot. They were in the centre stage of family affairs. Now they are in peripheries.


Satya Harishchandra Foundation Videos


Satya Harishchandra Foundation Dr Rajeshwar Rao Services


Satya Harishchandra Foundation Working | for Orphans and Elderly.


The Lost Souls (A documentary on Satya Harishchandra Foundation)


V6 Zindagi 'Satya Harishchandra Foundation' makes cremation rites to orphans
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Latest News & Information

Generous, Love and Affection towards the ripening the society is the distinctive character of the human beign by which the development of society is achievable.

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Add goodwill to your special occasions by spreading joy among those who need your care and support the most.

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Dead Body Donation

If a society needs good doctors than it is our responsibility to encourage VOLUNTARY BODY DONATION, no one can became a good doctor unless and until he practices on dead body which is the principle teacher or guru of doctor. Anatomy is a unique subject dealing with the knowledge of student of the human body structures.


Donate Organs

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